2010 year has been a tremendous year. I was able to tick off lot of things from my to-do list. But if one has to impress himself or his loved ones (Who actually are quite difficult to please!), there are still many more tiring miles to tread. The very thought sends shivers down the body. But again, if you don’t travel, you get trodden. So one has no choice but to pull his socks and cry: “2011 here I come!”
On another plateau, I recollect reading a CEO advising his colleagues to avoid “the distractions of the digital world.” Though the phrase sounds fancy, there’s a bit of hidden truth in it. Don’t we get carried away chatting with friends without being time-wise, mulling over models or actresses pictures on the yahoo page (whom you can’t distinguish much from mannequins because of similarity of brains) or checking out unrelated sites, while paying two hoots to the time we lose? Ah! The distractions of the digital world. They could take your 24 hours and make them look like one minute. This year, one of my top, top resolutions would be to stay focused on how I utilize my time. Apart from this, another resolution I’d like to share here is, one - where I plan to make at least 100 blog posts in 2011. I hope I will stick to this as it is undoubtedly a daunting task for a guy who is buried neck-deep in marketing.
Lastly, for the readers who have been patiently reading my incessant banter… Here’s wishing you all a healthy, fun-filled and prosperous New Year 2011!
I'm (eagerly) looking forward to read each and every of the 100 posts!
Hey Vinod,
I am sorry, I haven't read your comment before.
Well, making 100 posts is a task that I have been dreading. But I guess there is no escape now that I have it in print.I will do my best. Thanks a lot.
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