Ever set your eye on the TV serial Biker Build Off? Cool, isn‘t it? Well, I like the serial to the hilt. Especially, the guy with the big, fuzzy moustache and paunchy stomach who kind of throws his weight around. I also like his son, who covers over his dad’s remarks, but holds his ground. In fact, I like everything about this serial.
What really makes me get glued and my eyes popping is the way they build bikes here. Taking raw materials and making them roar with life of their own is something that goes over my head. When I think of the sheer brute strength this machine holds when it’s all done up, my mind trips -– Just think of 1000 plus cc engine. It has power enough to pull ten strong individuals with comfortable ease. Now, imagine this engine mounted on a single bike which is designed to pull only one or at the most two. The power instantly becomes a factor of envy and praise!
Biker Build Off serial is all about building such bikes. And the serial is planned in such a way that the viewer is taken through shots which show how the bike is built right from the scratch. From the initial blue prints to the final design, capturing everything - even the mechanics’ moods while putting the bike together- the strain, the anger, the frustration and eventually the arrogant, no-compromise attitude which complements the bike.
An ardent fan of these sturdy bikes, last Sunday, I was actually waiting in line for my turn to fill petrol, when my eyes suddenly caught sight of a Davidson. I couldn’t believe it, but the no mistaking writing on the canary colored beauty was there: Harley Davidson. I simply sliced through the line and pulled my bike along side this awesome machine. The biker was completely taken aback by the sudden intrusion but when I politely enquired where he bought it, he relaxed. With his heart obviously swelling with pride and a mocking smile on his face, he replied that he bought the bike a couple of years ago and it was a 2005 model.
I was puzzled. Since Harley David showroom opened only this year in Hyderabad how could he…? Noticing the baffled look on my face, he immediately added that he had actually bought the bike in England and got it shipped to India. While I was just recovering from the thought how far some guys would go chasing their passions, this guy dropped another bombshell when he mentioned that he had bought the bike merely for only Rs. 12,00,000.
He so effortlessly mentioned the sum, that the only thing that escaped my mouth, was a low sounding whistle. When he found that he had the desired effect on me, he zoomed off, leaving me in a cloud of dust. That day, I realized an important truth. Harley Davidson might be all designed to scorch the roads, but it could burn a hole in the pocket that easily too.