Agreed. Most advertisements these days conclude with a bad message. In the sense, ones that have absolutely no moral ending. Unfortunately, these are looked upon as pièces de résistance. No denying many draw a high from watching this practically over-the-cliff, morally depressing stuff. Even top brands don't bother about portraying a good image, at least, not any more. Look at the world-renowned brand- Axe (Deodorant) – this brand’s ad spot on television implies that a woman would throw herself at a man to ravage him when he puts on the deodorant. Unthinkable!
Well, call it anything you like, as long as the appeal is out there to grab one by the collar who cares. The topping on this is: in the conclusion of the same ad, there hops in a beefcake who winks and suggests the unthinkable to the man who has already been ravaged twice. This leaves not just the man but the viewer too wondering whether putting on a deodorant is a boon or otherwise.
Of course, again, it is done on a lighter vein. But is this only this far that someone can go when it comes to exploiting the realms of creativity? Is this what out-of-the-box thinking is all about? Do all the ad agencies zero in on one element –sex - get stuck with it forever?! Do the copywriters in ad agencies develop a writer’s block once they come across this “three-lettered topic?” Well, god knows!
Another electronic spot that treads a similar path is Wild Stone (Deodorant). The ad features a married woman walking and colliding with a handsome man. Then she goes into a fit, hallucinating of having a wild, wild time with this hunk. I guess what makes this happen is the deodorant, which in some way, ignites in her an unknown desire to indulge in sex with someone she has met for the first time. By the way, correct me if I am wrong, isn't a deodorant used to keep the body odour away and not to invite someone’s wife into your arms? That really flummoxes anyone’s grey cells.
Actually, there are a series of ads of this brand with similar endings where a married woman shamelessly falls for someone outside the sacred halo of marriage. And vice versa too! And these are actually watched by kids, teenagers, youngsters and sometimes even families without as much as batting an eyelid…. Unthinkable, isn't it!
Anyway, why am I going on moral policing? Who has given me the right to judge others? None. But it started with an advertisement spot I came across which kind of threw a curve ball at me. It was not the regular ones that batter around the same theme, but one that was a shade different. I felt it was so cool; I have actually put it on here for you to enjoy. Check it out. And don’t forget to watch the lady’s expression on her face, when the man does the ….unthinkable.