Ever felt you were floating on clouds and never would want to get off the cottony, amorphous, floating fluffs?! Well, there exist occasions for all of us that we secretly revel in. For me, this typically happens at nights after a vastly successful day. After returning home late from an exciting event or a gathering, I lie on the bed and cherish recollecting sequences that took place that day and how everything delightfully culminated to give a high. And by the time I actually doze off, it’s almost morning.
The next thing I know is that the streets are being lit up with the morning fervor. The paper boy’s bicycle making rickety sounds as he delivers the newspaper house to house. The milkman’s hurried knocks on doors to keep his schedule of delivering the milk on time. Muezzins calling the devote Muslims for morning prayers. The loudspeakers, far and few, playing ‘Suprabhatam’ and wives and mothers waking up even before the Sun calls up on their doorsteps to start preparing food for families.
Actually, the mornings before the sunrises are the most invigorating. But unfortunately I am not an early riser. The only time I used to get up early was when I was in school. That too, when it was a holiday. Of course, the torture of school was enough to send me burying my head under the pillows leave alone waking up on time. Even now, as a grown up, I would never agree of getting up early when there was school. The logic being simple: why lengthen the hours of anguish?!
Anyway, drifting back to what I actually wish to share. One of the other culprit for my sleeping late is the Youtube. It’s a real spoiler. There are times I get so immersed watching movies, music and videos, I stand aghast at chunks of time I splurge on this contrivance. Nevetheless, the wonder of Youtube is that it is a devise that swiftly jogs you down the memory lane. You can catch up on all those lovely things you have missed earlier either on TV or in theatres.
Regrettably, yesteryears memories being rosier than today’s, you tend to linger around longer than usual. And, even before you realize, the night turns into day. And you are left with 8 hours sleep deficit…and an aching head. Horrified, all you instantly do at that moment is switch off everything that remotely sounds digital and crash.
Frankly, you hardly catch a wink, when some family member wakes you up and hands you the codeless saying it’s from someone called ‘Ranjith’. You are about to scream at the top of your lungs as to who this stupid fella ‘Ranjith’ is, suddenly realization dawns, and you softly answer into the phone, “Good morning, Sir. Oh. Yes. I know. I’ll be there. No problem”. That’s the boss. Of course, half asleep who tends to remember his name...Suddenly, the feeling of floating on clouds vanishes and you are dumped back in reality with a thud. Believe me, this happened to so many times, the only exception is the change in the name of the boss.
The moral of the story: Don’t night dream. But day dream. Keep your sanity and, if possible, the job.