I wouldn’t know my left foot from the right one that outlandishly clumsy I turn, if someone asks me to write. But then what is life without few risks? so, I write.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
A Jugalbandi of Art!
Otherwise, I would have missed out playing in the fields with flowing rivulets all around. Or walking barefoot on lush green lawns or catching dragonflies by whacking them with freshly plucked plants or playing marbles sometimes in muddily mud or watching parrots literally fly into our backyard to take a bite of the guavas or lots of other beautiful things that now light up a smile on the face when I think back.
Life then was extremely flighty and slightly boring. Then who cares, it’s the heydays that counted, the mundane were lost in their own blinding ways.
This sense of drinking in with the eye and feeling it with the senses has attuned the soul to spotting anything that’s bright and sprightly. So the fine art of Jonas Gerard hasn’t gone elusive either. The maestro of colours casts his spell on all those who stumble on his incredible objets d’art! I am no exception either.
Surprisingly, I find the artists the most amazing lot. Of course, there’s this danger of leaning too much towards alcohol and smoke – which seriously puts me off. Otherwise, these guys are real freaks who know how to pull the strings of the heart and tap dance to the melodies the life dishes out.
They do it with such gusto you can’t but join in. Doesn’t it always take two to tango? So when the artist goes dancing you know you have no option but dance and rhythm-tap to the beat. But Jonas Gerard, the famed artist, is of a different beat, he dances while he paints. Much to the envy of his contemporaries and to the delight of his audience who seriously wish they were in his shoes and splashing away with colours like there’s no tomorrow better than a colourful one.
The colours that take birth after his dash at painting amidst zesty, pulsating beats are mind-boggling and inspiring. The fusing of colours with a fusion of music is something only a genius could think of. Jonas is one cunning old man who has many tricks up his colourful sleeves that never fail to add colour to life.
So, here’s a toast to the zestful spirit of Jonas Gerard, whose life is like trail blazing path on which anybody would love to tread, including moi aussi!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The ‘unbelievable’ Journey to the Centre of Mars!
Am I being taken for a ride in the name of rocket science?! Or is it just plain foolhardiness that people believe whatever is grandiosely dished out in the name of technology and science. I for one find exploits of ‘Rover’ or whichever spacecraft is traversing to Mars and beyond –gullible and unauthentic. After all, isn’t there a bit of Doubting Thomas in every one of us for the good of someone?!
I consider Mars expedition is nothing but a colossal hoax. National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) might declare whatever they like to but I wish to hold onto my horses and not place trust in any of these far-stretched stories. Now, don’t go mouthing bad words or drawing gasps of disbelief over the aforementioned radical perspectives. You see, after all, my beliefs are my beliefs. And you are fully entitled to yours. I wouldn’t be appalled at them either.
Ironically, on the other hand, I would trust Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) rather than NASA. Not that I hold anything against NASA, but when you get duped once you tend to be twice shy. For instance, how many of us believe that we, earthlings, have walked the face of the moon?! Naysayers can join me in saying ‘Cheers’ because neither do I believe in this hocus-pocus, mumbo -jumbo.
The moon expedition was a gigantic fraud, which Americans successfully pulled it off right under our very noses. There are countless mind-twisting loopholes that scarcely qualify the whole mission as a reality. Let me put forth few questions for enlightenment as well for rationalization. When was the first time Neil Armstrong along with his other astro-buddies step on Moon?! 1969? Good. When was the second time?! You don’t remember?! That’s because there has been no second time. Sounds unbelievable, isn’t it? If you have been to the Moon once, why didn’t you go there at least a 100 times in these 50 years?! Nobody has an answer. No country till now has dared to do this. Why?!
Secound, if you have watched videos of Astronauts on moon planting the flag, you will notice the flag fluttering. What puts the spanner in the works is that how does the flag fly and flutter when there’s no air or wind on moon? Hilariously ridiculous!
Third, you see pictures of astronauts on moon and beyond them you see the earth in the backdrop, how come you don’t see any stars? Did somebody forget to put the stars up there? Unless someone…you get the drift, right?
Fourth, Unlike the 1960s, technology has advanced so much we now hold access to super powerful telescopes that would easily gaze at moon in close quarters and discover whatever machinery and the flag the astronauts have left on moon. Of course NASA would find one way or the other to counter this too!
Scientists claim that radiation levels on moon are so high there’s hardly any possibility of survival of human beings even for minutes. Then, imagine the impossible technicalities of landing safely on moon. And then photographing everything and then making it back to the main shuttle to return safely. Too much of good luck or too much of deceptiveness. I’ll go with the former though.
The Russians, who were actually the first to put a man in space, Yuri Gagarin, expounded these erroneous expeditions of moon earlier and laid it thread bare that the whole mission was eyewash. Russians, who they held the capabilities of putting a man in space, couldn’t they have achieved the same feat in these last 46 years?!
Finally, I trust ISRO for the simple reason that they have been able to embark on space missions at almost one-third of the costs of US space missions. And the success rate of these missions is simply phenomenal. ISRO has lot of potential, if properly backed by Indian government, can prove its strength in some mind-numbing, eye-popping space-related outcomes.
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