Sunday, January 17, 2016

Warm Greetings 2016!

Before January slips away into oblivion, let me wish all readers a happy and prosperous new year 2016.

I guess I am tad late on my New Year wishes to readers. Frankly, I have absolutely no idea how many take interest in reading my blog. Ironically, when I glance through friends’ blogs I witness diehard followers and heartwarming responses. Since, hardly any comments come in on my blog; I am possessed with a feeling that none is aware of my existence. Nonetheless, the number of page hits is fairly good. It’s a little assurance that people do read the blog which is inspiration enough to keep plodding on.

However, what upsets me a bit is I couldn’t do 100 posts which I promised in 2015. Not that I didn’t make any efforts. I was caught up with loads of works on professional front. When I thoughtfully weighed the options, work ranked first, the blog, second. I know that’s not an excuse. So, this year, I am revising the strategy and will do at least 8 posts per month, this way, instead of checking progress at yearend, I keep a tab every month. Perhaps this will see me through 2016’s target.

If I can be boastful, let me mention on the professional front, I did some decent work. My work featured in National Geography Magazine. As if that’s not enough, another client of mine won a national award and another, global. Though I was directly behind them, I know it’s the client who will hog the limelight. But, I am quite satisfied at the outcome.

Running a marathon took a backseat. But gym took the driving seat, as I made some visible progress. And I have well-defined abs to vouch for me. Of course, I can’t show it here. ;)

Intentionally, I set 100 goals last year. I was able to achieve only 30% of targets. The rest got defocused, diluted and debunked. This year too it’s 100 goals but aim at achieving at least 70% of them. One major decision of course is to launch my own company which seems near impossible considering market’s slit-throat competition. Anyway, setting aside some capital to start in near future, this could take couple of years. 

However, I have a lot to thank friends who serve as inspiration and egg me on to success. And once again I thank readers and wish them a bright year ahead. Keep looking at the stars, that’s how we aim higher and further. Happy 2016! 

And The Oscar Goes To...

This was published in the newspaper The Hans India  The 92 nd   Oscar Awards are all poised to razzle-dazzle with big guns of film frate...