When someone I know, after sensing my penchant for reading, handed six books of various, distinguished authors. I was dumbstruck at the generous gesture. But what took me by surprise was I have barely known this individual for two months. Yet, he heartily gave away the books. May his bighearted tribe increase!
“Remember me?” by Sophie kinsella was one among them. When I grasped the blurb’s essence at the back, I realized the book would suffocate me by immersing in an overwhelming tub of emotions. I still can’t really get to the root why women are controlled by and sometimes swept away with emotions. Frankly, I really can’t. And god help me for that! ;)
Nonetheless, I decided to take the emotional trip offered by Kinsella. For one reason, the book sounded unusually different. Secound, it promised an element of mystery that could be unfurled only after spending considerable time. Moreover, the person who donated the book lavished praise on the writer. Naturally, among the six books, my first read began with “Remember me?”
The story opens on the heroine having a faint recollection of a minor accident. Further down the pages, we find the fall had unfortunately blacked out her memory of last 3 years. During which she had actually managed to steadily climb the company’s corporate ladder to become one of its powerful board members, become a yoga and gym-crazy individual, got a dental job done that made her look coy, married an achingly handsome man, and not to say the least, drawn a bulky pay packet.
Unfortunately, she remembers none of these. The complete turmoil that floods her mind at this stage is what the whole story is about. While she is still sorting out her disjointed memory, there steps in another individual with a bombshell. When he drops it, all hell breaks lose for her. Her whole world is suddenly upside down.
Sophie Kinsella scores good points with her compelling book. The thought behind such a solid storyline undoubtedly raises her IQ bar a few notches up. Honestly, how many could really think of stories that are whacky at the same time gripping? After having read "Remember me?", my trust in Kinsella’s narrating skills has sky-rocketed. I am confident that her other books would also be equally intense.
Next time, I am out scouting for books; I’ll ensure her name is infused in memory along with other authors I generally keep my eyes open for. Watch out Kinsella...here I come.