This has been published in The Hans India - A reputed daily in Telangana!
It is believed that approximately 4,000 or more new words are added to dictionary every year. What is truly incomprehensible is that Shakespeare alone contributed nearly 2,000 new words during his hey days.
Nonetheless, with most of our lives lived on internet, and lifestyles changing at the drop of a hat, there’s a dearth for neologism that best expresses contemporary thoughts and situations. Sensing this dearth, the, has come up with a gamut of thought-provoking words for new age living. Of course, all of them may not be appealing but some of them are truly worth giving a thought to.
Strictly speaking, these words are nothing but mashing of two dissimilar words together to create a new one. Such as, Shopaholic, Brunch, infotainment, Edutainment, etc. Killer combos that drive home the point succinctly. Known also as portmanteau words, a few of these are making the rounds on Internet as ‘24+ brilliant words we should add to the dictionary’. And guess what?! They are being lapped up by the ‘Generation Z’ for their ‘spot on’ impact. Well, here’s a list of ten for clearer perspective!
‘Textpectation’. The word actually means ‘anticipation felt when waiting for a response to a text’. How many times have you anxiously waited for that text message from your boss or colleagues or girlfriend or boyfriend?! If you are unable to express this feeling, ‘Textpectation’ comes to your rescue.
Chairdrobe – don’t tell us you don’t get this?! You must have left your clothes on the chair until it bundled up to be mountainous? Well, ‘Chairdrobe’ means exactly that: ‘piling clothes on in the place of a closet or dresser.
‘Cellfish’ is another smart analogy to describe a person who is constantly chatting on the mobile, causing irritation to friends and those around. If you are not aware of anyone who is ‘Cellfish’, maybe you should pose the question to yourself?
Youinverse is a word that closely rides on the same wave as above. This means that a person has knowledge of only him or himself; their universe consists only of them. Have you a friend who lives in his own universe? Well, you got a new word to introduce him to the world to.
Nonversation, means a completely worthless conversation; small talk. Sometimes, you have this vague feeling that the whole discussion was pointless – a total waste of time. Then, what you had was a ‘Nonversation’
Errorist means someone who repeatedly makes mistakes. Sort of a substitute for the word clumsy but in a more impactful manner. Though the word may sound obnoxious, it does possess a certain energy. Know anybody who is an Errorist?
Hiberdating is when a person ignores their friends in favour of a boyfriend/ girlfriend. Nobody admits it, but every youngster does it. Well, you got the right word to describe friends who show cold shoulder when they are around their loved ones.
Internesting – the cocoon of blankets and pillows you gather around yourself whilst spending long periods of time on Internet. Many may outwardly deny it, but are inwardly guilty of this indulgence. Internesting is a world of its own.
Destinesia – when you get to where you were intending to go, but forget why you were going there in the first place. Sounds unbelievable?! But it does happen to travelers. They reach a particular place for a reason but are later dumbfounded as to why they have come there in the first place.
Carcolepsy – a condition where a passenger falls asleep as soon as the car starts moving. With many employees working in call centres, dozing off in the cars while on way to work or home comes naturally. To describe this phenomenon, Carcolepsy is the right word.
With the world shrinking into a global village and lifestyles evolving in a way nobody had ever imagined, need for vocabulary that could keep pace with changing times cannot not be ruled out. Thanks to creative individuals who keep inventing innovative words to make our lives cozy, colourful and temerarious.
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