Monday, January 4, 2010

The Smile

She was all of six
Playing with stones and sticks
When ‘Hi!’ signaled my fingertips
A smile crossed her lips

She quickly tottered over
Carried on an incessant chatter
Out came sweet rhymes
Accompanied with coy mimes

Delighting those around
With inimitably adorable sounds
Peals of laughter
Making hearts gladder

‘You are a smart dame.’
People nearby murmured.
‘I heard mom say the same’
She retorted.

‘Wonder what dad says ?’
I ponder aloud.
With a sad look she answers, ‘I don't know.’
He died many years ago.

And The Oscar Goes To...

This was published in the newspaper The Hans India  The 92 nd   Oscar Awards are all poised to razzle-dazzle with big guns of film frate...